Timer photo by Amani Lindsell

Productivity tips from a recovering multi-tasker

It’s been a while since I posted on my own blog, because I’ve been a little busy writing for The Women’s Pic – an online platform for women, launched last year, with inspiring articles on food, fashion, style, business and wellbeing.

I wrote a series of articles titled, Productivity tips from a recovering multi-tasker. I bet you can guess who the recovering multi-tasker is!

Since we are at the start of our working year and probably have a lot on our plates already, I’d thought I’d share them below for you. Happy single-tasking!

Photo by Amani Lindsell. The Women’s Pic.

Tips from a recovering multi-tasker Part 1

Do you ever feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Or you move from one task to the next without getting anything accomplished? 

In the first part of the series, it’s time to take our quiz and fess up on your productivity habits, and learn how to eliminate distractions to make more of your time.  Read here

Tips from a recovering multi-tasker Part 2

In my second article, I share a few more tips to learn how to sharpen your focus and the not-so-subtle-art of batching to boost your productivity. Read here

Tips from a recovering multi-tasker Part 3

In the final article, you can learn about the discipline of doing less but better, and the benefits of outsourcing and automation to ramp up your productivity. Read here

Photo by Amani Lindsell. The Women’s Pic.

Read more of my latest articles via The Women’s Pic.

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