Courage requires you to feel the fear… and do it anyway!

When I was finally ready to release my Warrior Woman Oracle into the world (it had taken many more moons that I had hoped), I was filled with a mix of sheer relief that I’d finally finished it, and sheer terror!

Brave Warrior cardLike all creative people – and everyone is creative – there is something precious about our little creations that like baby birds we hope will fly out into the world and become fully fledged birds. We forget that those baby birds aren’t always successful on their first jump out of the nest, and they stay fledglings for a while reliant on their parents for protection and food, and others, well their mumma might have to force them out so they can learn to eventually fend for themselves.

What is true, for both baby birds and creatives, is that once they are out in the world, what happens next is out of their creator’s control! For anyone who is a parent, of human kids or fur and feather ones, you will know the familiar pit in your stomach when your child is testing out another milestone or boundary. As they grow in independence we think our kids are going to be less of a worry, but the truth is, we lie awake at night waiting for them to come in the door, or send the text to tell us they are staying at a friend’s place before we can go back to sleep.

It takes courage to take responsibility to guide a child into adulthood, just as it takes courage to guide a creative expression into the world whether it be a song, an artwork, a dance, a book, an invention, a new recipe, or an oracle deck.

It’s about Day 8 since I launched my Kickstarter Campaign to help fund my oracle deck and I have to confess that I have been riding the familiar rollercoaster of emotions from gratitude and grace, to trepidation and terror. There are so many mixed emotions when we let our poor ego selves run the show and wonder whether people will resonate with the deck, whether they will support it on Kickstarter, whether I’ll look like a failure if it’s not funded by the 8 September!

But you know, that is all out of my control. The fear of failing is real, but it’s also surreal in the sense that this is another little bird taking their first jump out of the nest. This deck might not meet its funding goal but that’s ok because it’s my first Kickstarter, I’m learning how to fly, I’m making mistakes, I’m figuring out how to use my wings, and I’m probably going off into many directions. The real win here is that I jumped!

Abundant WarriorWhen I drew a card from my home printed Warrior Woman cards which have been with me through the creation of the messages, rituals and affirmations that are shared in the guidebook, the card I drew was Brave Warrior. Der, it was so obvious I needed that! Today, when I was feeling a bit deflated by the hill I still have to climb (82% at the time of this post), I drew the Abundant Warrior card. Double der! I needed a mindset shift which I have been trying to help along by listening to Reiki Rachel’s 888 Abundance meditation every morning. 

I have no doubt that this deck has amazing energy to support and inspire, offer guidance and connection to our own inner wisdom and not to mention the powerful and intuitively painted artwork from an artist friend who has generously allowed me to create a deck with her work. I have to trust that it will eventually be out in the world doing its thing with those who connect to the Warrior Woman archetype.

All I need to do is to continue to show up with courage in the face of fear each day or in each moment and take the leap out of the nest!

If you have a burning desire or a creative project in a bottom drawer that is collecting dust because you are afraid to put it out into the world, please follow me out of the nest – the more of us that are fledgling around, the more we will be able to teach each other how to spread our wings and fly!

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